Monthly Archives: November 2011

Miért fontos a magyar útlevél? Fontos tudnivalók (felújítva 2012 szeptemberében)

Na kedves mindenki, 11 és fél hónap herce-hurca után, itt van a magyar útlevél (a cikk 2o11 október végén iródott). Kolozsváron kértem az állampolgárságot, Dél-Afrikában vártam az esküt, de végülis Kolozsváron tettem le és végre itt Brüsszelben megszereztem az útlevelet… Ezt már igenis föl lehet mutatni külföldön (a kis lakcímet igazoló kártya nem sokat ér).

Fontos mindenki számára!!!!!

– azok, akik a magyar állampolgárságot az egyszerűsitett honositási eljáráson keresztül szerezték meg, már nem kell az anyakönyvi kivonatra várjanak

– tehát az útlevélhez szükséges a honosítási okirat (amit az eskű letételekor kaptak, a szép papiros) és a lakcímet igazoló kártyajól fog, de nem kötelező!

– ne feledkezzenek meg egy érvényes személyazonosságiról, vagy útlevélről (legyen az román, ukrán, szlovák, szerb stb.)

5 évre az útlevél, konzulátuson keresztül 67 euró és 10 évre pedig 91 euró (a 10 évest választottam) – az anyaországban 30 euróval olcsóbb

– konzulátuson keresztül az egész eljárás 2 hetet tart!! – tehát tessék bátran kérni (postán is hazaküldik és ha szerencsések egy hét alatt meg is van)

Miért fontos?

Európa szerte (9 fontos tagállamban) a román állampolgárok munkavállalása még mindig, 5 év után is, korlátozott (hónapokat kell várni munkaengedélyek után). Ezek az országok: Németország, Egyesült Királyság, Írország, Belgium, Hollandia, Ausztria, Málta, Franciaország, Luxembourg. A magyar állampolgárok esetében már nincsenek munkavállalási korlátozások.

harmad országok állampolgárai (Szerbia, Ukrajna és még pár hónapig Horvátország) ezáltal Uniós állampolgárok lesznek: szabad mozgás, szabad és munkaengedély nélküli munkavállalás, ingatlanok vásárlása, egyetemisták számára kedvezményes tandíj stb.

– ezzel az útlevéllel egy Schengen ország tagja – többet ér a valójában egy határátkelőnél, mint sokan gondolják

– az Egyesült Államokba nem szükséges a vízum és sok más országba sem. Az Egyesült Államok esetében a vízum nem szükséges ha kevesebb, mint 90 napot tartózkodnak és megvan az ESTA jóváhagyásuk. Ha több, mint 90 napot tartózkodnak (munka, tanulmányok) akkor már szükséges a vízum. Ez egyébként a többi országra is érvényes, akik állampolgárai ideiglenes vízum mentességben részesülnek.

– végre el tudja valakinek mondani, hogy igenis kettes identitása van és most már a magyar identitást tudja hivatalosan is igazolni. Higyjék el, hogy azok, akik hosszú ideig éltünk külföldön, már meguntuk a magyarázkodást, hogy honnan jövünk, de mért érezzük magunkat másoknak

The New World Order – Az új világrend

Motivele corupţiei în domeniul public românesc… Ce se poate schimba?

Vrem nu vrem, trăim într-o ţară în care corupţia este la ordinea zilei. Că este vorba despre faptul că a trebuit să dau 3OO de euro unui doctor cu 5 ani în urmă când mi-am rupt mâna, sau 5O de lei unui alt doctor ca să se uite la o infecţie la ureche. Lista poate continua din păcate…Motivele sunt multe şi îmbelşugate. Mentalitatea balcanică, istoria, fanarioţii şi ocupaţia otomană, lăcomia, lipsa controlului domeniului public, indiferenţa justiţiei…Dar mi se pare că un motiv este mai presus de celelalte…Salariul.

Recent s-a făcut mare vâlvă la Cluj. Procurorii DNA au arestat vicepreşedintele Consiliului Judeţean, Vasile Bica şi primarul Sorin Apostu. Primarul din Jucu deja stă la pârnaie şi cu ceva timp în urmă primarul Aradului s-a confruntat cu aceleaşi probleme. Să nu vorbim de Radu Mazăre, primarul Constanţei, care apare pe coperta revistei Playboy şi defilează în uniformă nazistă…Păcat că încă nimic nu s-a început împotriva lui. Toată lumea ştie că există corupţie, pentru-că din salarii de 850 de euro pe lună (cât primea Apostu), nu se poate să ai vilă, casă de vacanţă, maşină de 48.000 euro şi altele…Să fim serioşi. În cazul lui Apostu e vorba de sute de mii de euro de şpagă, nu numai alea 94.000 euro care figurează în dosarul de arestare. Dacă ÎCCJ respinge recursul, mi se pare cât se poate de potrivit să fie un proces bine pus la punct. Nu vrei nimănui să ajungă la închisoare, dar din moment ce ca şi funcţionar public deturnezi bani publici, mi se pare corect ca să se aplice pedepsele legale. N-ar strica să se mai facă curăţenie şi în sudul şi estul ţării…

Dar ia să ne uităm încă odată. Cât este salariul primarului oraşului cu a doua importanţă din ţară? 850 de euro! Păi în Olanda într-un magazin, la 22 de ani, lucrând 4O de ore pe săptămână câştigam 1.650 de euro lunar. Dublul faţă de primarul unui oraş. Este greu să stai la cârma unui oraş cu un buget anual de 250 de milioane de euro şi să ştii că salariul tău este de 850 de euro pe lună. Ăia din occident ar râde de noi.

Ieri, discutând pe skype cu tatăl meu, am ajuns la o concluzie. De ce nu se procedează ca şi în cazul marilor firme? Clujul are un capital cât o multinaţională mijlocie. Atunci, să se instituie o lege, că în cazul candidaţilor la primăriile polurilor mari de creştere, să se organizeze un test managerial. Înainte de alegeri, fiecare partid îşi propune un candidat care vrem, nu vrem trece un test de competenţe directoriale, manageriale. Da dragii mei! Dacă aşa face o firmă mare, aşa să se facă şi într-un oraş care dispune de un capital mare. Iar, urmând exemplul directorilor marilor firme, şi salariul să fie pe măsură. Dintr-un buget de 250 de milioane de euro, salariul primarului s-ar putea fixa la 2.500 de euro, bani cu care poţi trăi o viaţă decentă, conformă cu funcţia ta publică. Şi de ce nu, se pot institui aşa numitele „financial incentives”, măsuri care se aplică în „corporate governance”-ul marilor firme. Adică bonusuri pe criterii de performanţă. De e.g. ca şi primar, ai adus un investor, o investiţie valorând 100 de milioane de euro? Foarte bine. Primeşti un bonus de 2.000 de euro.

Ştiu că pare o soluţie radicală, dar dacă acest model funcionează la marele firme, poate funcţiona şi în cazul unui oraş mare. Astfel temptaţia de a lua şpagă scade, încât cu un salariu de 2.500 se poate trăi decent, iar prin faptul că ştie că poate primi bonusuri, primarul va fi mai activ în căutarea de investitori.

Nici un sistem care se bazează pe oameni nu este fără lapsuri, dar mi se pare că dacă omul este plătit pe măsură, în majoritatea cazurilor va lucra pe măsură.

Bruxelles, 12 Noiembrie 2011

If there wasn’t a Union… Some comments for those who want it to end.

In the midst of the growing division caused by the euro-crisis, people started pointing at certain countries; the credibility of the euro as a currency is dwindling, and that of the Union as a global entity is shaken. Yes, the Union is in a massive crisis, yes some of the EU leaders don’t hide this fact and neither am I satisfied with many things.

I do not like many things in the working of the EU. As a  sign of solidarity, EP members should cut their daily allowance of 295 euros (besides their 6300 net monthly salary);  I do not like that I come from a country that acceded almost 5 years ago to the Union, but was vetoed twice to enter the Schengen zone and has work restrictions in several major EU economies (the realities of which I did have the “pleasure” of witnessing in the last 4 years); also, I do not like the fact that the entry into the Eurozone was rushed and so on. The EU is not yet a unified political entity, the single currency is only applied in 17 out of the 27 Member States, the UK did not want to join the Schengen zone, while Romania and Bulgaria were not allowed to do so. Yes, it is not perfect and I don’t like some aspects either. BUT, please knock it off with the let’s split up the Union comments or how about we make it disappear or let’s create a Mediterranean, Central European or etc. unions.

Being 20 years old, when my country joined the EU, meant that I had sufficient perception of how suddenly a lot of things changed; things that for most critics are and were natural because they were already born in a system we were wishing to accede to. My dear friends, who believe the Union should not exist, look a bit at these arguments and you might change your mind:

If there wasn’t a Union and a Schengen Zone:

  • Everything you buy from export, would be taxed at the border, meaning that your favorite Nike shoes, Kellogg’s cereals, H&M underwear and Smart car would be way more expensive (try going to South Africa where an import Philadelphia spread cheese costs 5/6 euros, Nivea deodorants more than 4 euros, and a second-hand car twice as much as in the EU).
  • Welcome back passports and visas at the border. You wouldn’t be able to just go around with your ID card. No, you would need a fine looking VISA just to go from Germany to Poland and make sure you have your passport with you. Someone coming from Romania knows that some years ago in order to go to Germany by car/bus/rail you needed an Austrian and German visa.
  • Welcome back border controls. Yes my friends, if you go England or Romania and Bulgaria, they might just still check your luggage. Now imagine poor Jap going from Maastricht (Netherlands) to his cheaper home in Aachen (Germany) and having to wait hours each day at the border, while someone checks his luggage. Guess what? I still know what it feels like when I go back to Romania.
  • Forget working freely in another country. Many of these people seem to forget that life would be more difficult if you moved to a new country and in order to work, you’d have to wait months to get a permit. Wow, as a Romanian national I still know how it feels like. It made me get a second nationality.
  • Forget buying land and houses in another country. As you might have forgotten, the fact that you can own a house and a piece of land in another EU country is not something you were granted at birth.
  • Forget money transfers in Euros without charges. Yes, thanks to the IBAN system, you can transfer money from one country to another in euros, without charges and paying other taxes.
  • Forget being able to practice your profession anywhere else. Yes, if you are a lawyer in Belgium, defending your client in the Netherlands, it might not entirely be accepted.
  • Forget having the right to be protected in some God forsaken land by the embassy of another country. The fact that you can apply for diplomatic protection in a country where your country does not have diplomatic representation, is not something that always existed.
  • Forget that your state would be able to get loans from other states for favorable interest rates. If you are in the eurozone, you can get state loans for much lower interest rates.
  • Forget that anyone would bail anyone out, just like that in times of financial crisis.
  • Forget being able to execute your judicial decisions in other countries and so on.
  • Forget cheap Ryanair and Wizzair flights and passenger rights. Yes, the fact that all these low-cost airlines proliferated and you have some passenger rights is thanks to this Union as well.
  • Forget a lot of standards when it comes to food, clothing, machinery, etc.
  • Forget about the Erasmus program. That students can go from one country to the other without paying tuition fees at the receiving institution. That you can mingle with people who speak a different language, have different attitudes than you, and ultimately these people become your friends. One of the greatest initiatives ever made I would say.
  • And most of all, you probably forget that your grand and great-grandparents fought in some deadly wars, and ever since the Union, no EU country went to war against another one.

As the citizen of one of the newest Member States, who will just start enjoying (now, thanks to my Hungarian passport) my EU rights to the fullest, how about you think a bit before you speak. How about all of you who think the EU is bullocks, you try imagining a world with higher prices for everything, without the freedom to move around and establish yourself; a world with hour long border controls, transfer taxes, lack of diplomatic protection is certain areas, no freedom of student mobility, no cheap flights and so one. And mostly a world, where you neighbor might just attack you.

Brussels, 5 November 2011 – yes it is Guy Fawkes night